It’s time to thrive

Improving Indoor Air Quality For All

The aim of the centre is to design and engineer building systems whose elements work together to reduce airborne infection transmission by improving indoor air quality while maintaining comfort and efficiency.

Design and Engineer Systems

Revolutionizing future building control and operation with intelligent management systems that enhance comfort and energy efficiency.

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Enhancing indoor air quality for improved mental cognition, reduced airborne infections, global scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Knowledge and Innovation

Develop new standards advice and prescribe specific engineering parameters for naturally and mechanically ventilated buildings.

About us

Innovating For The Future

The ARC Training Centre for Advanced Building System against Airborne Infection Transmission (THRIVE) was established in 2023 and is officially hosted by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). This Centre is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC), QUT, The University of Melbourne and prominent industry partners spread across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

The centre is supported by two more ARC grants focussing on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). The aim of the Centre is to design and develop a building system whose elements work together to reduce indoor airborne infection transmission by improving IAQ and at the same time maintaining comfort and energy efficiency. The Centre will support this aim, and complementary objectives to ensure the medium- and long-term competitiveness of national and international manufacturing industries. The Centre will also develop an extensive training program consisting of regular seminars presented by scientists and industry to advance training and profession development in all areas related to the Centre’s work, as well as hands-on and laboratory training sessions.


Our Objectives

Developing human capacity

In building and controlling intelligent building systems to ensure clean air and clean energy, through training and education of industry professionals. Including architects, mechanical engineers, facilities managers.

Applied research

Conducting applied research in multi-parameter optimization and using novel technologies in the context of Australian building designs and intelligent building systems.

Quantitative assessment

Improving quantitative assessment of the efficacy of building systems and their components for IAQ improvement through state-of-the-art simulations and innovative physical testing methods.

Designing solutions

Designing solutions and recommendations for naturally and mechanically ventilated buildings to lower the risk of infection transmission to acceptable levels within the overall context of the building system.

Translating knowledge

Translating knowledge and innovation for the building sector through collaboration and engagement with partner organizations and the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC).


Targeted Research Programs

Program 01

Intelligent Building Systems

Quantification & Communication of Indoor Air Pollution & Airborne Pathogen Transmission Risk

Program 02

Building Product Improvement for Indoor Air Quality & Airborne Infection Control

HVAC systems are at the core of sustaining building IAQ, but additional equipment and products are also important in mitigating indoor airborne infection transmission and controlling energy costs.

Program 03

Quantification & Communication of Indoor Air Pollution & Airborne Pathogen Transmission Risk

To increase confidence, clear and sound information about the nature of infectious risk, the building type and characteristics, and the occupancy profile is required in a format that enables building custodians to quickly establish risk, make necessary operational adjustments and effectively communicate with occupants.

Program 04

Translating Knowledge & Innovation to Better Building System

Australians spend most of their time indoors, but building standards prioritize comfort over health and reducing airborne virus transmission. Variability in building design and operation, along with human factors, are often overlooked.


Meet Our Team Members

We are a passionate and dedicated team of experts on a mission to create safer and healthier environments in indoor air quality through cutting-edge research and innovation. We have partnered with a range of national and international scientists and prominent industry partners committed to the well-being of individuals and communities.

Our centre specialises in developing advanced building systems that mitigate the transmission of airborne infections. By combining our diverse backgrounds in aerosol science, physics, fluid dynamics, architecture, engineering, medicine, and environmental sciences, we aim to revolutionize the way we design, construct, and maintain buildings to combat the spread of infectious diseases. Join us on this transformative journey as we strive to build a healthier future for all. Together, we can make a significant impact in safeguarding public health and enhancing the well-being of society.

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The ARC Training Centre for Advanced Building Systems Against Airborne Infection Transmission is funded by the Australian Government and industry partners through the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Centre Program.