Investing in air conditioning for every Australian school may cost billions upfront, but research shows it would pay off over time. Proper cooling systems would improve student health, reduce absenteeism, and enhance academic performance. With climate change worsening, this move is becoming essential for creating effective learning environments. Long-term savings would also come from energy efficiency improvements and enhanced productivity.
- Most Australian schools rely on natural ventilation, which is insufficient for maintaining healthy air quality.
- High-filtration air conditioning reduces sickness, including COVID and flu, improving both teacher and student health.
- Studies show that poor air circulation impacts concentration, learning, and behaviour.
- Installing air conditioning in all schools could cost $2 billion annually for five years but would be offset by savings in reduced sick days and better academic performance.
- The potential savings from improved health could exceed $1 billion per year.
For more details, check out the full article here.